Perbedaan antara Excavator Mini dan Excavator Besar

There are significant differences between mini excavators and large excavators in many aspects. The following is a detailed analysis of the differences between the two: 1.Appearance and size Large excavators are bulky, heavy-duty machines that are typically longer, wider, and taller than medium and small excavators. Its large structure gives it greater stability and load-bearing […]

Tindakan Pencegahan Saat Mengoperasikan Mini Excavator

As an indispensable piece of equipment in modern engineering construction, mini excavators play an important role in narrow space operations due to their flexibility, efficiency and convenience. However, due to its operational complexity and variability of the working environment, a series of precautions must be strictly followed when operating a mini excavator to ensure construction […]

Why are Chinese excavators so good?

First of all, Chinese excavators have significant advantages in price. Compared with imported excavators, domestic excavators are more affordable, which allows many small and medium-sized enterprises and independent developers with limited budgets to easily purchase excavators with excellent performance. This price advantage not only reduces the user’s purchase cost, but also makes domestic excavators more […]

How to Choose an Excavator?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the main purpose of the excavator, such as earth excavation, mining, road construction, etc. Determine the required excavation depth, loading capacity and work efficiency based on the project scale and requirements. Secondly, according to the project needs, select the appropriate excavator type, such as front shovel excavator, […]